
  1. Bye Bye Black Soldier Fly

    Bye Bye Black Soldier Fly

    I have to at least try to compete with the other amazing photographers this time around! Nachito would agree as she gobbles up her BSF snack!
  2. Shedding, my favorite photo of all

    Shedding, my favorite photo of all

    This has to be one of my favorite photos of Nachito! She’s just the best girl! I hope I can get more photos like this before she declines.
  3. Shedding!


    Shedding really can be exhausting
  4. LLLReptile

    Veiled Chameleons - Trans and normal in stock

    Baby Translucent Veiled Chameleons $89.99 each Medium Veiled Chameleons On sale! $39.99 each (males and females available) Gorgeous Adult Males - $99.99 each Click here to see our full list of available chameleons in stock now! -Jen
  5. Jay Sick

    super tranny veil new born look at the tail !!!!!!

    this is amazing i need not say another word
  6. SoCaliSon

    It's been too long my friends...

    It has been far too long since I have been able to post any threads, animal pics, or had an animals to take pics of (aside from my boy Lombardi). But after working the Super Show in Pomona with the Tiki Tiki crew again, and being able to keep animals in my home once more, Cassie and I came home...
  7. Rex


    My baby Veiled Translucent Chameleon Rex.
  8. My Tiny Guy

    My Tiny Guy

  9. Rufio Sunning Himself

    Rufio Sunning Himself

    Translucent Veiled
  10. Translucent


    My low end translucent female
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