Tarsal spurs


New Member
I was just wondering, Can some Male veiled chameleons have smaller or bigger spurs than others? Seems like some of the pictures I see some have really big spurs, and some are hardly noticable, but there....Is this common?
Oh and I am referring more to the youngsters, When they get older you know how they like grow with their body so they get bigger....Some babies just seem to have large spurs and some smaller...Is this true or possible???
I have a 5 month old, and he seems to have spurs, I can even feel them on the back of his foot, they are hard bumps, not just loose skin, but they are just small...
Ok, I posted His pics here awhile back and everyone swore it was a girl, and said it might just be loose skin,But I feel bumps that are hard, and I ca see em too, they are just small, So I was just wonderin'...I also ordered him from a reputable breeder, and she swears he is male...Thats all I was just wondering if some just have smaller spurs...
Josh, I just looked at the photos you posted...They are great! And that is where I got my guy from too!!! Maybe they are related, haha
Your guys spurs are much bigger than my little guy! Thats why I asked this question, haha Cuz some have HUGE spurs! Mine just doesnt...But there are little hard bumps like I was sayin' earlier.

But Cozi (My little guy) is a Turqouis and sunburst mix too!
thats cool, theres a chance they are related, but they do have like 30 or so different bloodlines so who knows.

my line was STX19, hope he turns out to be a beautiful chamy.
Here are todays pics


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OK cool, Thats what I thought, They are just small, I mean those pictures are REALLY close up, haha, You can tell from how big my finger looks! :p
When my veiled was 2 months, he had a tiny bump too that looks like that. You can see it but it was small.

The female I have on the other hand, nothing. She had absolutely nothing on her feet. Not even the slightest bump.

He has them on both feet right?
Yeah both feet...He is 4 months, probably almost 5 now.

So the female had nothing huh? Ok I have owned a veiled before, He died not too long ago, he was about 5 or 6 years, But I got him when he was full grown, so there was no doubt he was a boy. But this is the first baby I have ever had, So I just wasnt sure. Thank you for replying :)
K, I read your prev thread.

Those pics look like a little spur to me. Like the others said, it's just not pronounced. If it was excess skin, would it be on both feet?

Hmmm.. most of the breeders said female though.

When I bought/rescued my female, there were 10-11 chams in that enclosure with her, some had small bumps, some had large ones, some you could barely tell but a bump is a bump is a bump :D

My female was one of only 2 females in that enclosure ( no wonder she was stressed! )
Yeah thats what I thought, And if it was excess skin it wouldnt be hard, it would be like, I dunno loose, haha

But maybe it was just hard for them to tell in the pics, like they didnt know if it was hard or soft, so I understand its just hard to tell sometimes...Thats was awhile ago too, so maybe his bumps have grown a bit now, cuz he has grown a lot since that last thread, So maybe they would agree male now, or maybe not...haha I dont know...Or maybe they are right...I just thought like what you said, A bump is a bump, haha If any of you breeders are reading this, let me know what you think now, if your opinion has changed or not...
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