1.1 veiled


New Member
what does that even mean? when people put that in their signatures. or like 0.0.2 ambilobe. what do these numbers mean?
when someone has 1.1 in their sigs. it means

1.0 is male. so they have one male cham.

0.1 is a female. so one female cham.

0.0.1 is a baby, that they dont knwo the gender of.

2.0 is two males.

0.2 is two females..

get it?
the numbers represent the ammout of animals. first # is males, second # is females, third # is unsexables, ( babies - juvies - mellers )
mine says
1.0 f.pardalis,2.2 c.calyptratus,1.3.3 Mice,2.3 Birds,0.1 Yorkie
because we have one male panther, 2 male and 2 female veiled, 1 male mouse, 3 female mice and 3 babies, we have 2 male birds and 3 female birds and one female yorkie dog :)
huh. interesting. so are these numbers specifically for this forum or its commonly used? who came up with them?
that i dont know. nobody uses it on any of the other forums i am on. so it might not be limited to this site but its not very popular bc i never saw it before til i joined here
It is a general thing used throughout animal keeers especially with reptiles. Zoos use it all the time when they take a note of what they have in the collection.
And CB means captive bred, CH means captive hatched but from a wild caught mother who got pregnant in the wild (i think lol) and WC means wild caught, taken from the wild into captivity :)
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