1 year old Veiled for sale

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Travis Blades

New Member
Hello all, i'm going out of town for 5 weeks on March 28-29 for work, and before i go i need to downsize my collection :(

This is my first Chameleon he is well taking care and never had any health problems. I do not want to sell him but i think i need to down size before i go.
He is 5'' from head to vent. He is a feisty but ounce you get him out of his cage he calms down. He not to picky of a eater, i feed him roaches, crickets, silkworms, with the occasional super worm which seems to be his favorite. I would like to get $70 obo for him, His cage (18x30x30) is also for sale with him, i build a custom stand for the cage. The cage has two holes in the top screen for the misting nozzle and one hole in the middle on the bottom for drainage, Drainage is easy on this cage with this stand, just put a cup in the middle below the cage and all the water drains out, the plants make the bottom a bowl shape. i would like $70 for the cage obo. I don't really want to ship him but if i have to i can. I live in Rancho Cucumonga





I guarantee his health for 7 days, i would like him to go to a good home, if you have any questions please ask me.
willing to chameleon sit....

I'm sure you really don't want to sell him as you probably are attached to him. I would be willing to take care of him while you were gone. 5 weeks isn't that long. I would take care of him at my place.
Let me know if you are interested.

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