10 month old Mt. Kenya Jackson supplementing


New Member
I have a 10 month old mt. Kenya Jackson chameleon... Or thats what i bought it as.. i bought it on wensday 28,2012 of this month... He has been inside the house everyday..except one time he was outside (only about 5mins though) when would you guys recommend i powder his cricket and with wich d-3 or without d-3 thanks and how often. ..I dont know when the guy i bought it off powdered so.... If you can help please do
my jackson is indoors all times i give him d3 on two crickets once every two weeks. 2 times a month. i give him cal on three feeder insects twice a week. tuesday ill use zoomed repti-calcium thursday i use repashy cal +. my d3 supplement is a multivitamin. and if i were you i would look into spirulina for your cricket gutload, its a vegetable based protein diet and then check this out... http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html ... also take a look at sandrachameleons blogs they are very informational for gutloading and nutrition. hope this helps

But i dont know when the last time the guy i boughtb it off of gave him the calcium or d-3??? Should i just start with tonights feeding and chart myself.....
How much does a lizard like this usually run for
But i dont know when the last time the guy i boughtb it off of gave him the calcium or d-3??? Should i just start with tonights feeding and chart myself.....
How much does a lizard like this usually run for

well, in that case i would take the safe route and just do a week with giving him the cal without d3 two times and then give him the d3 monday and then from then on everyother monday for the d3, cal tuesday + thursday or whatever works for you. just dont give him d3 more than two times a month or else you will most likely start to see problems. also it depends if you have a Jacksonii jacksonii or a jacksonii xantholophus. you should post pictures. i have a xantholophus and he ran me 65 dollars, but most the time you wouldnt get them for any less than 85. if you have a jacksonii jacksonii i have no idea but those most likely run a lot more. post some pics man

Ok so im starting tommarrow with morning feed i powder how many crickets with calcium??? And as in all week does that mean every day after tomarrow with would be sunday 1 till next monday i feed him the d-3
or im a bit lost. .


  • 2012-03-31 19.10.07.jpg
    2012-03-31 19.10.07.jpg
    254.4 KB · Views: 357
Ok so im starting tommarrow with morning feed i powder how many crickets with calcium??? And as in all week does that mean every day after tomarrow with would be sunday 1 till next monday i feed him the d-3
or im a bit lost. .

you have a Xantholophus, they run anywhere from 85- 120... he looks a little older than 10 months my man hes at least a year old but im guessing hes even older than that. and this is what i would do. Monday- D3- 2 crickets. tuesday. calcium-3 crickets. wednsday not supplement. thursday- calcium- 3 crickets. the rest of the week nothing unless you have some minerall or multivitamins, you can give this to him on 3 crickets either friday, saturday, or sunday. then next monday no supplement. but still follow your calcium regiment. the monday after that, d3.... so follow the d3 every two weeks, calcium 2 times a week every week. minerals or multivites once a week.
Thanks alot

Thanks how long have you had your cham on this diet.... Do you have the same spieces? Can you post some picture of your cham... idont know the guy i bought him from said he was about ten months idk. I have multi vitamins and calcium with d3... so i called a reptile store today and what he said was multi 1nc a week and d3 2wice a week is he wrong or?????
The normal supplement schedule for chameleons is:
Calcium at nearly every feeding
Multivitamin twice a month (every other week)
Calcium with D3 twice a month (every other week)
Adults get fed every other day

This is most applicable to panther and veiled chameleons. Jackson chameleons are more montane species, which means they tend to metabolize things a little differently as a category with similar other species. The people who have kept jacksons a long time recommend a slightly reduced supplementation schedule as montanes, like jacksons, tend to have problems with oversupplementation more easily than veileds and panthers.

My schedule for my jackson:
Calcium nearly every feeding
Multivitamin once a month
Calcium with D3 once a month (or not at all if he gets at least several days of unfiltered sunlight)

Yours looks to be young adult (around a year or so) so he can be fed 3-5 crickets every other day.

You don't want to use D3 so often because it can cause toxicity and damage to the kidneys over time. There are calcium supplements that do not have D3 or phosphorus - that's the one you want for regular use. You may have to order it online as some petstores just don't carry it. Using a multivitamin too much can also lead to buildup of some vitamins, and in this case it's not "the more the better". Too much can cause toxicity issues. Calcium is the only one that can (and should) be given very often as they need large amounts of calcium for good health.

While the petstore guys often have good intentions they have almost no training. And what training they do have is really basic info, usually most applicable to iguanas and bearded dragons. They extrapolate what they know from that to all species, which is very flawed. Chameleons in particular are very unique and have unique care needs that are don't fit with basic reptile knowledge. So it's not that he lied to you, he just didn't know any better.
there you go melonman, that just goes to show you that pet store owners really are just pet store owners, they dont go home to their jackson chameleon and take care of him, they just sell them. so yes hes wrong and i totally agree with what ferret said, you can give him cal every day but i recomend very lightly just to be on the safe side. it also has to do with your gutload and everything. even thou i give my jackson ( same species as yours) calcium twice a week its because A. I use zoo med repti-calcium tuesday and repashy calcium + on thursday, they both have different beneficial ingredients in them. B. I gutload my crickets with fresh fruits and vegetables along with Spirulina which is a vegatable based protein gutload diet. and C. my multivitamins have the D3, so he gets the multivites and d3 in one feeding, twice a month. ferrets way and my way are both perfectly fine, our regiments are different most likely because the products we use are different etc etc. like i said man its a lot about personal preference. you can use either of these methods but your method/regiment needs to be based of off the products you are providing. dont worry youll get it, ive only had my guy for a while now but ive learned very quickly and you will too... keep asking questions on the forum and maybe order a book or two online about chams!!! it can only benefit you. a good book would be " masters of disguise " its a 120 dollar book that you can get used off of amazon or barnes and noble for less than 20. good luck with your jackson and i hope we were able to help you. --- if you want to see pics of my guy find the thread under health labeled " triceros mouth:eek:" if you have any other questions you can PM me.
ferrets way and my way are both perfectly fine, our regiments are different most likely because the products we use are different etc etc.

Exactly! There is no one way to do it because there are so many variables and different products to use. As he said, good gutloading is critical. (See the link in my signature at the bottom of my post for more info.) So there is variation, but within certain boundries. The petstore guy's suggestion was not correct.
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