1st time shedder


New Member
hey guys, to my suprise, got to feeding time for murph and she's gone bright white in places and skin is starting to come away, i guess this is what u call "shedding". She's my first cam and havent come across this before so anything i should or shouldnt do? enclosed some pics


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First I will say we do not have a Cham yet, but have several other reptiles. Do NOT pull at any of the loose shed.
yep thats shedding.. its kinda funny because my cham is shedding today too!! its the 5th shed in 5 months. its completely normal just make sure the humidity is normal because if the humidity is too low it will take longer to shed
my cham just started shedding yesterday for the first time since i've had her and she is my first cham too~! How often does this happen? It's so funny how the try to get the skin off lol.
And oddly enough both mine shed yesterday as well....

Do nothing to them, it will come off. Maybe mist a little more to help the skin come free, but dont yank it off them. Keep an eye on the toes, if the skin around that area dosent come off post again and Roo can tell you his lil trick as to how to get stuck skin off.

As to how often... Depends on your cham... Mine, id say about once a month.
ditto on all other comments. extra misting, and as stated watch toes and ANKLES! I lost a leaf cham due to constriction around her feet from unshed skin. On larger chams it is more noticeable.

As for how often, depends on the age. They can shed in a matter of hours as little guys but become spotty as they age. Right now Cyrus (15 months old) is shedding one leg. So does this mean only one leg got bigger and nothing else lol!! My beardie often just sheds his big ol' head! :D
Fractal finished his shed today. Must be the season. lol I really would like to know the toes trick from Roo.
Roo has suggested using mineral oil on a Q-tip to help remove skin that doesn't shed by itself after a couple of days.
Don't pull the skin as stated before but work it off by gently rubbing.
This is only for stubborn skin that stays on for more then a day or two.
As for misting....some people have experienced that extra misting causes the skin to stick more and hinders a good shed. They recommend letting the animal dry out a bit.
I, however, have found a lot of misting during a shed to be quite beneficial and really speed the process.
We're in a really dry climate here, so that may be the difference.
A little trial and error will soon tell you what is best for your cham....where-ever you live, but ideally everything will just work out perfectly on it's own.
By the way, in the first 6 months or so a shed every 3 or 4 weeks is normal.

Can you use "Shed Ease" with a Cham? :confused:
We have used this with our Crested Geckos....when we brought them home they were a retained shed mess and I was concerned about them loosing their toes and having vision problems. We also used iy on our Rankin Beardie when we first brought him home and he had all kinds of retained shed issues.

Can you "soak" a Cham like with other reptiles in luke warm water to help if there is a stuck shed? :confused: Or does that completely stress them out?
Can you use "Shed Ease" with a Cham? :confused:
We have used this with our Crested Geckos....when we brought them home they were a retained shed mess and I was concerned about them loosing their toes and having vision problems. We also used it on our Rankin Beardie when we first brought him home and he had all kinds of retained shed issues.

Can you "soak" a Cham like with other reptiles in luke warm water to help if there is a stuck shed? :confused: Or does that completely stress them out?
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