3 month old Cham shedding, do I help him or leave him alone?


3 month old Cham shedding, do I help him or leave him alone?*UPDATED*

He's currently shedding and wonder if I can help him or just leave him alone? I read that all his shed must be off or there's no blood circulation. Can I just peal it off for him?

The best thing to do is just mist him more often.

Dont peel it off. Just let it be and it will fall off in time. We often get tempted to help and the best help you can give is extra mistings.
No do not help him. If you peel it off you will hurt his skin. The way you can help him most is to mist him a lot with warm water. If he is small he will shedd really fast. Just be patient and he will be fine.
As long as there's a fine environment with high humidity, he will easily shed. You only need to take care of shedding residues which form rings around his arms, legs or tail. Those could constrict the skin, vessels and muscles by drying out if not removed. But this doesn't happen really often and is mostly caused by improper cage setup. So, leave him, watch him time to time and enjoy your chameleon.
the main problem with abnormal shedding parts are toes or claws.
if he wont shed his toes and that shed strangulates them he could get in troubble but at his age i again say he will be ok
I think they're pretty uncomfortable with all that lose itchy skin, so as long as you provide the right conditions for him to shed in.. he'll make sure he gets it all off himself when it's ready.

He finished shedding already and he was kind of hungry so I fed him like 5 crickets. Took him outside to absorb some sunlight, whipped out my brother's dslr and snapped some pictures.




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