3 month old male veild is restlessly walking on the ceiling around his UVB bulb?


New Member
Hello, first time chameleon owner and first time poster.

At least once a day I have seen him get on the ceiling and get as close as he possibly can to the UVB bulb and restlessly walk circles around it for 10-15 minutes... He puts on his dark colors, although I don't think he is trying to bask because he never sits still. Does anyone know what would cause this behavior, and is it dangerous to have the UVB bulb so close to his belly while he is climbing around it? The bulb is almost touching the screen so it may be about 1cm away from his belly. He has a heat lamp that is much warmer than the florescent UVB bulb, so if he was cold I would think he would it instead... To me, it almost looks like he is trying to find a way out of the cage through this bright light.:confused:
when they are young and especially when you first get them they will tend to walk on the ceiling. I don't think the uvb will cause any harm, well it never did to mine anyways and he did the same thing. The heat bulb, yes, cause he could get burned.
Some just like to walk on the ceiling....I have a little chameleon that does it every day. Chameleons are capable of self regulating on UVB exposure, so I don't think that's a huge concern.
Thanks for replies guys. If he were just freely climbing on the cage I wouldn't be concerned, but the way he is attracted to the bulb, and his coloration and restlessness still kind of worries me. Right now I don't have a tube light, it is the compact version of the 5.0 repti-sun. It seems like once a day, he will go from a nice resting color to a very dark color, and then quickly (like in a panic) climb for the ceiling and towards the bulb. He did it a few times when I had my hand in the cage, but he has also done it out of the blue while I wasn't even in the room. He will then continuously walk in small circles around the light. Circles so small that he contorts his body in strange ways in order to stay close to the light. He will walk 30, 40, maybe 50 laps around the light, all while looking quite pissed. He doesn't look like he is exploring, he looks like he is stressed. I have also witnessed him almost fall from the ceiling while doing this, so it worries me that much more...

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Male, 3 month veiled. I have had him for about a week.
Handling - Only once, for a few minutes
Feeding - Crickets and meal worms. Crickets eat baby spinach and oranges
Supplements - Every feeding calcium w/o d3. His first two days it was with multivitaims and calcium with d3.
Watering - I mist 3 or 4 times a day until the whole plant is wet. i try not to spray him. I have never seen him drink...
Fecal Description - Brown and white with a little slime in between. Never tested for parisites

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 18x18x36 screen enclosure.
Lighting - 50 watt heat lamp in a dome. 27 watt repti-glow 5.0 CFL
Temperature - Day time, basking spot is about 85 and the floor is around 75. Night time, the entire cage drops to 72. Digital thermometer
Humidity - Humidity is about 20% and 30% after misting.
Plants - One large Hibiscus takes up almost the entire cage.
Placement - He is on the floor in a low traffic area, with no fans, next to a window. I will elevate his cage on a table when I am able to handle him next.
Location - Atlanta, Georgia USA
I can understand why that sort of behaviour worries you, how long have you had him? Have you tried taking him out to bask in direct sunlight outside? Lots of the experienced members here do that regularly. How is his eating? What supplements are you using and how often? C&P the health info form, can really help people get a better idea of any husbandry tweaks which might help him. (https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-ask-help-66/)
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