3 month old panther jumping out of hand waist high

salty dog

Chameleon Enthusiast
Landing on ground in garage, will this do damage? Or can they handle it? He took off, I had to catch him
It's hard to say, but pictures would defidently help!

In the wild male chameleons will fight high up in the trees, pushing one another until the looser falls down onto the ground. The distance is much more, however the concrete could be the deciding factor. They are EXTREAMLY fragile creatures who require delicate care.

Keep a close eye on your guy and if you see any signs of him becoming weak I would defidently take him to the vet! Also check for any abnormalities on his body.

Good luck!
How many panther chameleons do you have? I ask because I see your references to your males and females, and you have lots of cages. Just curious!
I took him to a small animal specialist in loomis ca. Today, she was happy and intrigued to see a chamelion, and said he is fine, no problems, but doesn't like beiing held lol..
I just took some pictures IMG_1162.jpg
Cage maintenance is going to be a handfull in the future, hopefully at sometime he will calm down
Wow beautiful colors... glad to hear hes alright... an ooh its a baby.. definitely quicker then adult... i was surprised by my guys speed when i first got him. Crawled quickly up my arm when i took him out of packaging
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