3 Praying Mantis ootheca egg cases
Product information:
Each egg case will hatch out 50-200 mantises. When hatching, the young crawl from between tiny flaps in the egg case and hang from silken threads about 2 inches below the case. After drying out the young will disperse. This happens within an hour or two and it is very difficult to know if hatching has occurred unless the elusive and well camouflaged young are found.
Release Rates:
Attach the egg cases to a twig or plant. 2 egg cases per 3,000 sq. ft. To monitor hatching of the egg case place the egg cases in a paper bag and fold the top. Place the bag in a warm room and out of direct sun light. Periodically open the bag and check to see if hatching has occurred. Sometimes hatching can take up to eight weeks.
USA shipping only $16.00 shipped
Product information:
Each egg case will hatch out 50-200 mantises. When hatching, the young crawl from between tiny flaps in the egg case and hang from silken threads about 2 inches below the case. After drying out the young will disperse. This happens within an hour or two and it is very difficult to know if hatching has occurred unless the elusive and well camouflaged young are found.
Release Rates:
Attach the egg cases to a twig or plant. 2 egg cases per 3,000 sq. ft. To monitor hatching of the egg case place the egg cases in a paper bag and fold the top. Place the bag in a warm room and out of direct sun light. Periodically open the bag and check to see if hatching has occurred. Sometimes hatching can take up to eight weeks.
USA shipping only $16.00 shipped