3rd vet visit - ohhhh Gail, you are an incredible Cham

little leaf

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Yesterday was her 3rd visit, and the hardest one yet- she ended up having surgery on her eye, and mouth - :( her eye was odd shaped when I got her- the first 2 visits she just was not up to having it worked on - well, they ended up opening the eye- it has scared shut - all this "stuff" came out - it was awful! what is left they think will be now reabsorbed, if not, she will have another surgery to remove what is left, and end up with a "dry socket" - but I don't care, she is beautiful to me, 2 eyes or 1 :) then we moved on to her mouth- he is not really sure what exactly was in it, but she had a build up of what looked like some type of hard yellow/blackish underneath stuff- it was so thick on her jaw it almost encapsulated her bottom teeth - he scraped all that out- when the first big piece came out , I thought it was her jaw bone- scared me to death! at first, I was holding her- but then the "nurse" came in, so I tried to had her over to her, but little Gail would not let go of my finger, the vet said "its ok, she can hold your hand" - so there I sat, little Gail pinned down on the table, her little toe nails dug deep into my finger, it was SO sad- she could not be sedated due to her health- but this smelly,nasty stuff had to come out- thankfully my vet is VERY fast, so all this did not take long, but Gail was cussing him out in every color she had~ then she still had to have her shot and hydration - all this was hard on her, but I can tell she already feels better, and her mouth looks 100% better , she is doing so much better - so strong - just a little fighter- but we still have alot of infection to get rid of- and she still is not out of the woods by a long shot, the vet ( we saw 2 vets, but this is the reptile vet, whom I have known from childhood, the other was more of a bird vet, but I had to get her in) said when he read the chart, he thought when he opened her transport box he would find a carcass- he was also surprised to see how strong she was, and the girls at the front desk said they really were surprised when I came back for our 2nd apt,, the did not think she was going to make it - soooo she may have to have 2 more surgeries,hopefully her eye will do its thing now that is is not full of what ever that was - and she has a started to heal her broken jaw, but it is healing with a big knot on the end, and if it does not go away, she can not close her mouth, and that will have to be shaved off- so cross my fingers on that one. She is not allowed to have any solid food for A MONTH !!! so hand feeding 4 X a day for the next 30 , we are getting this down pretty good now- :) I have to laugh , I JUST got 1,000 crickets - LOL
I am posting a few pics, just so you can see how a cham gets a shot- and hydration, and one of her bad eye,and you can also see how her jaw is making that bump - I did not know how a cham got shots, or hydration, so if you find you will need these for you cham, you have an idea of how they do it , even tho I have done both these things on farm animals, boy is the cham world different ;) the hydration is the one in her belly~ as bad as this looks, she does not seem to get to upset. also, anyone who was following the temp issue- 94 vs cooler- Graceful chams are kept more like Jacksons, a little on the cooler side - so no wonder she did not want to stay in the heat of 94~ :D
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Our poor little girl. When we talked yesterday after the vet you sounded a bit shaken. I know what you and gail have gone through, and Cheryl my hat is off to you on how you have jumped in with both feed rescuing this little girl. Without all the love, time, attention, and money you have spent on Gail she would be dead. It is that simple. i just feel better and better about Gail, and as proud of you as a Mother would feel. Excellent job. I am glad you were comfortable going with the lower temp. I just knew 94 would kill her. I try really hard never to second guess a vet, but that was a bird vet so I didn't feel as bad. Just keep on keeping on with your little sweet Gail.
hopefully she has a speedy recovery! Poor little girl has been through so much already she deserves some peace and cricket hunting once she heals up
lol, I thought I had settled down before I called you Laurie :D it was NERVE RACKING - to say the least - the room alone we went to was intimidating, and then to put her on that huge steel table - the whole thing was upsetting for both of us- but I am sure more for her- and I just KNEW I would have a nightmare just like I said- I wonder what she dreamed about poor thing - but her soul is so kind- she should HATE me by now- but as soon as I tap her branch, up go her little feet and onto my finger she goes for lunch :D and yes, I sure hope someday she can hunt, but the vet kinda thinks when she can have crix again, she will only be able to be hand fed the rest of her life- soooo this will be a life long thing for her- BUT - she has defied all odds- so I think she just may learn to hunt again :D
I commend you for all the great care she has gotten so far and your dedication to her! I hope she does better now with all that crud out of her eye and mouth. Keep us updated on how she does and we are all behind you!
Thank you so much for the update on Gail! That is such wonderful news! She certainly is lucky to have you, though I know you feel just as lucky to have her. You really have stepped up in a great way to care for her and bring her to good health. If only every chameleon ended up in as good a home! She is definitely a fighter, and I hope she continues to improve and get better! Looking forward to more updates and good news on Gail!!

BTW..thanks for the pics, too! She sure is a beauty!
Thanks guys :D Gail and I appreciate ALL the support
she just had lunch, and seems a tad weak, yesterday was so hard on her- even I am still tired from stress- this is really hard - but she also only had one feeding when we got home last-night, she was so stressed, and after she ate, she went to sleep, and I figured with her little raw gums, it may have been best to just let her rest, skip the feeding and let her gums heal overnight, I hope that was the right thing to do..
Wow. This made me cry. :(

Poor Gail. But seriously, you are a hero :D Without you she would never have come this far. You say she should hate you, but I think she understands how much you love her. And I think she feels the same way. There are people who say chameleons don't get attached to people. I call BS. You can see it in their eyes, even when they are giving you the death stare. Some people just don't understand.

Keep us updated!!! I will continue keeping Gail, as well as yourself, in my thoughts and prayers:D You are an AMAZING chammommy. :D
puttin on her fancy pants

she was getting her stream bath, and decided to get a little fancy ~ but just on one side - LOL just had to post it :D
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I can totally understand what you and sweet Gail are going through!!!! Hoping for a some speedy results for you guys:)
This thread is so inspiring and really uplifting!! What a fantastic job you are doing - I am convinced Gail knows exactly[\I] the role you are taking in her life and is so very thankful for the intervention. You haven't given up on her and she isn't giving up on you! I call that teamwork with a lot of love thrown in, which is exactly what this little girl needs! So happy to see some positive results! Keep up the EXCELLENT job and please keep us posted on Gail's story!
hope she feels better ,found it so adorable she wouldnt let go your finger but found it so sad with all those injections :( i know its to make her feel better but if im scared of a needle imagine a beautiful cham like urs ,hopes she has a fast recovery
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