4 month old veileds for sale...NICE!!

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New Member
I have 4 month olds ready to go.
Both male and female from different stock. Would be great for breeding. Kammerflage parents. Beautiful colors, big and healthy! $40.00 each plus shipping. Email me if you want to see pictures.
[email protected]
Pics of Baby Veiled and Parents

These are the pics of the babies I have for sell....I tried to attach these on the previous thread but was having trouble! I have also included pics of the parents.....all are in great health and their colors are nice! From Kammerflage stock. I want to sell the whole lot. 18 total.
Thanks Brad for your help!

baby female copy.jpg

baby male copy.jpg

female(mother) veiled copy.jpg

male(father)veiled copy.jpg
Do you still have males available?
If you could email me pictures of them I would greatly appreciate it.
Lokii, my cham, after a long healthy life just passed away, and I am ready to fill the void.
[email protected]
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