Chameleons Northwest
Avid Member
GET 40% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY ON OUR POPULAR "SMALLS". Just $11.50 for 100 of our popular small worms INCLUDING priority shipping. These are skinner and 3/8" to 3/4" and are great for baby animals and small animals. Other lot sizes available. See below.
Fresh, juicy Butterworms for sale. Simple to care for and very affordable prices. Our chameleons have been going gaga over them! Fishermen claim they're the best bait for trout and most all freshwater fish.
We get fresh shipments in regularly and sell out quickly. All prices include shipping. Live arrival guaranteed. You can order from our website,, or you can call our office at 360-893-1843. We are on Pacific Time Zone.
We get a fresh batch shipped to us directly from Chile every month.
↑ 100 smaller butterworms this week 40% off- just $11.50 (younger/skinnier worms great for reptiles and other small pets). Photo shown above.
100 mixed butterworms $21.50 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
100 JUMBO butterworms $28.50 (includes ONLY Jumbo- 1" AND LARGER- OUR LARGEST WORMS)
200 mixed butterworms $37.50 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
400 mixed butterworms $69.50 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
1000 mixed butterworms $195.00 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
The butterworms must be refrigerated upon arrival and be kept cold and dry. The substrate should be replaced if it has absorbed moisture or you see a change in the worms. Live arrival is guaranteed. If there are any issues upon arrival we must be notified within 12 hours.
Hassle-free storage
No worm food to mess with, no tricky handling, no bad odors. Storage: simply store the worms in the refrigerator (42-45 Fahrenheit). At these temperatures the worm enters a state of hibernation and won’t require any food or water for 3-4 months.
As Exotic Pet Food
Butterworms are a natural food source in Chile (where they originate) and are a great source of calcium and high in protein for reptiles, birds and fish. Also the worm is soft bodied making it a very easily digested meal.
Butter worms are exceptionally high in calcium content, averaging about two times the normal calcium content of many other feeder insects on the market. Silkworms and Phoenixworms come close, but Silkworms require more care and have mortality issues, while Phoenixworms are not as plump and large as Butterworms. Their hassle-free storage and high nutrition make butterworms a great value. And chameleons love them!
Click above link to go to our website or call 360-893 1843 or 253-576-3309 (cell) to order with credit card. Live arrival guarantee.
Fresh, juicy Butterworms for sale. Simple to care for and very affordable prices. Our chameleons have been going gaga over them! Fishermen claim they're the best bait for trout and most all freshwater fish.
We get fresh shipments in regularly and sell out quickly. All prices include shipping. Live arrival guaranteed. You can order from our website,, or you can call our office at 360-893-1843. We are on Pacific Time Zone.
We get a fresh batch shipped to us directly from Chile every month.

↑ 100 smaller butterworms this week 40% off- just $11.50 (younger/skinnier worms great for reptiles and other small pets). Photo shown above.

100 mixed butterworms $21.50 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
100 JUMBO butterworms $28.50 (includes ONLY Jumbo- 1" AND LARGER- OUR LARGEST WORMS)
200 mixed butterworms $37.50 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
400 mixed butterworms $69.50 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
1000 mixed butterworms $195.00 (includes 3/4" to Jumbo)
The butterworms must be refrigerated upon arrival and be kept cold and dry. The substrate should be replaced if it has absorbed moisture or you see a change in the worms. Live arrival is guaranteed. If there are any issues upon arrival we must be notified within 12 hours.
Hassle-free storage
No worm food to mess with, no tricky handling, no bad odors. Storage: simply store the worms in the refrigerator (42-45 Fahrenheit). At these temperatures the worm enters a state of hibernation and won’t require any food or water for 3-4 months.
As Exotic Pet Food
Butterworms are a natural food source in Chile (where they originate) and are a great source of calcium and high in protein for reptiles, birds and fish. Also the worm is soft bodied making it a very easily digested meal.
Butter worms are exceptionally high in calcium content, averaging about two times the normal calcium content of many other feeder insects on the market. Silkworms and Phoenixworms come close, but Silkworms require more care and have mortality issues, while Phoenixworms are not as plump and large as Butterworms. Their hassle-free storage and high nutrition make butterworms a great value. And chameleons love them!
Click above link to go to our website or call 360-893 1843 or 253-576-3309 (cell) to order with credit card. Live arrival guarantee.