6 1/2 Month Old Male Veiled

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I am offering a male Veiled from a cross between an unknown wild male and my wild caught female Zora. Zora was gravid when I purchased her. I offered two males from this clutch for sale a month ago. They were going through an unattractive phase and had darker colorations. Their pictures reflected this and they remained unsold. The patterning was spectacular though and I felt that they were going to mature into stunning adults. It looks like that is indeed going to happen. Now, a month later, one of the males has blossomed with color. He now exhibits bright lime greens and very bright yellows. His eye turrets have vivid black striping and are ringed in black. He looks like he is wearing eyeliner. He will not bite or hiss but he does not like to be handled at all. When he is taken out of his cage he sinks in his eyes a bit from stress. The black ring around his eye turrets makes this look even more pronounced. I assure you he does not suffer any health problem that causes sunken eyes. He is strong and healthy. Unless you stare at him for a while his eyes look normal in his own cage. He is now 6 ½ months old, 6” snout to vent and 12” in total length. He is very long and lanky. He is going to be a big male when he finishes growing and filling out. He will eat every cricket you put in his cage. You need to be prepared to feed him a lot of sub-adult to adult sized crickets.

Zora male #2:

ZoraMale #1.4.jpg ZoraMale #1.5.jpg

This is what he looked like a month ago:

ZoraMale #1.6.JPG

He is priced at $120.00 plus shipping. I know you can find young Veiled males for a third the price. But this boy is a large 6 ½ month old male. He has another 6 months of growing and coloring up so you know he is going to be huge and stunning. With this male you don’t have to wait months wondering what you might end up with.

I take Paypal and will ship UPS Overnight in a well-insulated box with heat packs added according to weather conditions. He is in perfect health with strong sturdy bones. I guarantee his healthy arrival and overall health for seven days. The purchaser is responsible for proper care and husbandry to keep him healthy after that. I do not want him to go to anyone who does not belong to this forum. I’ve really enjoyed watching him grow up. Other males will be offered as they blossom into color. I will be hanging on to several males and females from this clutch for myself.
still available

My female is ready Im new to this please let me know if the male is still available thanks rob
He is still available.....

He is still available.....It looks like you are a new member. If you are still interested in him please private message me with details of your experience with Veileds and what kind of caging you would have for him. I only sell my chams on the forum so that I can get to "know" potential buyer's and make sure they will get proper homes. Since you have never posted before I am not familiar with you. That is not to say you are not experienced or suitable by any means. Just that you have not shared your female with us yet :) Catherine
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