65 Gallon Screen Reptariums???


New Member
I just got one of these for my veiled & so far I like it but I was wondering if the screen will melt do to heat lamps? I feel like it melt threw the screen? Can any one help? :confused::confused:
well from what i understand that yes some members have issues with the screen melting, also ive heard the zippers on them are very unrelaible they break often and need repairing. I would also imagine that if you not using a hugely powerful bulb and its not in direct contact with the screen itself then you "Might" not run into any issues, just keep monitoring the areas under the basking lamp to watch for any wear or damage to the screening and make the adjustments as needed
Thanks man, yeah I have a 100w bulb and it seems like it would melt. I was thinking about getting a clamp or a stand for it so its not in direct contact.
is it an actual basking buld your using ? because u can obtain the same results with a 99 cent household bulb i use a 60 watt and it gets me about 90 basking
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