8 Month Old Female NosyBe


So here is some photos of my female NosyBe. She is 8months old and hates pretty much everything, for no reason.... Just to hate it.. Cuz I guess that the thing to do as a female... ha... Anyway.. I have had her for 4 months, and she still hates me... but thats fine. I have her to eventually mate with my male nosybe but she has only seen him for a few times, little bit each time and really doesnt like him either... She weighs in right now at 46 grams, so for some odd reason she is still on the small side.. she eats crix, supers, and horns when I have them... Nothing in the fecal exam... Crickets are gut loaded with cricket crack, and flukers orange cubes.... any other ideas?

Clarence is a beast!!!!
More than likely nothing is wrong. Probably a late bloomer, but she will catch up soon enough.
What temperatures are you keeping her at?
They stay in my living room, so the ambient temp is around 75-77ish. The three levels she has to bask are 82, 89, and 94 depending on what level of branch she wants to chill on.
anyone else with an idea of why she is so small..

reptisun 5.0.

daily dusting with calcium no D3

D3 twice a month.

multi twce a month.

10 crix a day.
2 supers or horns every other day.

mistking controls h20
I vote she is just a bit slower growing. My Ambilobe female is a little over 8 months old and only two weeks ago did she finally start showing her mature colors. She had her growing colors up to that point and remained smaller. She is only at 42 grams right now but she is starting to fill out and put on weight. I would just give her time.

I assume you plan on breeding so just make sure you wait until she is bigger to do so.
My female nosy be grows slower than my two blue bar sisters, also. my male nosy be seems to grow a little slower than my male blue bars, too. all kept in he same room with same setups. genetics? PS: female nosy be is a little more skittish than the sisters also. however, she is still a sweetheart.
My female ambiliobe is the same way - she just turned 1 year old, and finally started hitting a growth spurt. I don't want her growing up too quickly, so am actually ok with her being small, and if she's never large enough to breed, well, that's ok with me too. :eek:
Clarence looks scared. LOL!!!!! great pic / capture of the moment though. btw, she is a girl, and i'm scared of my wife when she's PMS'n. I love Nosy Be's.
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