8 week old veiled, super worms?,


New Member
Hello, just got a new 8 week old veiled last Friday. So far I have been giving him crickets lightly dusted in calcium w/o d3 everyday, and repashy calcium plus with d3 lightly about twice a week(thinking about cutting it to once per week, then twice a month when he gets older) yesterday I gave him two small waxworms to see if he would eat it out of my hand, and he did very quickly! I know waxworms are mostly a treat, since they are very fatty so I'm not going to give him a lot. Maybe twice a week? Anyhow I really wanted to give a variety in his diet. I gut load my crickets with carrots and strawberrys, but I'm sure he will get bored soon enough. My local pet stores sell superworms and I was thinking of picking some up. Would these be too big for my buddy? When they give you the worms do they vary in sizes like the wax worms did? I know the rule of not being wider then their eyes and not much longer then their head but I just don't want to grab the lot of 50 if they are all going to be huge!


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I've heard that super worms are also kinda a treat, as they can be hard on a chams tummy..:rolleyes: Maybe try roaches or small Phoenix Worms?
Yea I can order the phoenixs online from mulberry farms. They are actually only a hour drive from me so I'm sure they can show up quick. Would butter worms be better? Everything I've read seems to lead me to gut loaded crickets as staple foods. I'm thinking the Dubia roaches might be too big for him.
Yea I can order the phoenixs online from mulberry farms. They are actually only a hour drive from me so I'm sure they can show up quick. Would butter worms be better? Everything I've read seems to lead me to gut loaded crickets as staple foods. I'm thinking the Dubia roaches might be too big for him.

Dubia are not to big at all. You can order the extra smalls and they are perfect. They grow slow too, I order 250 - 500 at a time. I like them so much better than crickets. I never get any DOAs(Dead on Arrivals) and hardly ever have any die on me while keeping them. And they don't stink like crickets do!
Would the Dubia be good to feed him multiple times a week like crickets? I'm not too sure on roaches yet, my fiancé might kill me if I bring them into the house.

Basically I'm trying to look for good feeders I can feed through the week and not have to worry. I know the butterworms/meals/waxworms are very fatty and can hurt there stomachs if I feed too many.
Would the Dubia be good to feed him multiple times a week like crickets? I'm not too sure on roaches yet, my fiancé might kill me if I bring them into the house.

Basically I'm trying to look for good feeders I can feed through the week and not have to worry. I know the butterworms/meals/waxworms are very fatty and can hurt there stomachs if I feed too many.

Yes, dubia are a great staple. I don't feed crickets at all anymore. Dubia is my main feeder offered every day with a few wax worms and horn worms or whatever I order for treats. Dubia are so much easier to keep. They can not jump or climb slick surfaces so I never have escapees. And I cup feed them so I know exactly how much he is eating daily. I have a great supplier that I have used for about 5 years now. I get my dubia and roach chow from him. My husband hated the idea of roaches at first but when he saw how much I was saving because I could buy in bulk and never have dead ones and that they don't stink and are easier to keep he got over it. He just tries to forget I have them.
When I get escaped dubia. Which I have had a couple times because of the amount of egg crate and howyou screening is, they usually die within a couple days of being outside because their enclosure is humid and warm
Yes, dubia are a great staple. I don't feed crickets at all anymore. Dubia is my main feeder offered every day with a few wax worms and horn worms or whatever I order for treats. Dubia are so much easier to keep. They can not jump or climb slick surfaces so I never have escapees. And I cup feed them so I know exactly how much he is eating daily. I have a great supplier that I have used for about 5 years now. I get my dubia and roach chow from him. My husband hated the idea of roaches at first but when he saw how much I was saving because I could buy in bulk and never have dead ones and that they don't stink and are easier to keep he got over it. He just tries to forget I have them.

Thanks! Yea I will order some from mulberry farms on payday.

I just got off the phone with my local petco. They said they have calci worms in stock. I did some research and it looks like it's just Phoenix worms correct? I heard these are good for baby veiled since they are small in size and big in calcium. I'm going to go pick some up after work, hopefully he likes them!
No meal worms...
Yea I hear they are bad for the tummys, I went wax worms since they are softer but I know they still aren't that great. I'm going to grab some calci worms today to see how he likes em. Is calci worms ok for everyday use? Or should I just keep mixing it up everyday with the crickets being the staple? Just don't want to hurt the little guy
I use black soldier fly larvae, also known as calci worms, every day when I have them. My jackson and adult panther enjoy them a lot. Great source of natural calcium.
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