New Member
I just wanted to thank all of the knowledgeable & experienced members on this forum. Your wisdom has helped me immensely. Reading the plethora of information that is offered via this site has and is helping me become an educated and responsible chameleon owner. I have had a few chameleons in the past (in the early to mid 90's) but I lived in a climate that was much more accommodating to our tropical friends (I had a pair of jacksons then and the Internet was non existent in my life in those days so information came by ways of books & Reptile Magazine!) Anyhow- today I took Pascal (common name on this forum ) to his first vet appointment. When I had purchased him he was over coming a nutrient deficiency and had some slight signs of MBD. At the vet today I was told I was one of the best Cham owners he had ever met. He said that Pascal looked wonderful and he was parasite free. He also said that his bones were sturdy and strong, his mouth, throat & jaw looked fantastic and that my diligence to his care had halted the progression of his MBD. He said over all he was very impressed. Really I can't thank you all enough. I truly care about my little guy so much and want him to have the best life I can provide for him. I wouldn't have received those complements if it wasn't for you all. Thank you from the bottom if my heart.