a big thank you to the lady...


New Member
that puts up with my CRAZY hobby even when I'm down from surgery or out of town for work!
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Good job, most of us forget now and then, just how much our other half gets sucked into our time taking, money pit hobby. Kudos to your lady and to you for knowing what she does for you.
Lol my partner is never realy interest il talk about my cham and she will just say oh rite. Plus she thinks its wierd im a member to a forum she seems to think its some sort of obsession lol :rolleyes:
Lol my partner is never realy interest il talk about my cham and she will just say oh rite. Plus she thinks its wierd im a member to a forum she seems to think its some sort of obsession lol :rolleyes:

Haha my girlfriend used to be like that but now she is actually interested and she helps whenever I cant! She is awesome! Dont worry your lady will come around
Lol my partner is never realy interest il talk about my cham and she will just say oh rite. Plus she thinks its wierd im a member to a forum she seems to think its some sort of obsession lol :rolleyes:
This is my girlfriend exactly! She thinks I'm some kind of weirdo for being on a forum... She thinks I spend too much time on here too lol. Whatever though, reading the stories on here gets me through my work day! :)
Lol! My hubby is starting to get on board...he doesn't understand the whole forum thing though & how beneficial it's been for both my Pascallywagz and myself! Pascal is on his sweet side though because he seems to favor my other half over me :rolleyes:
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