a few pygmy questions...


New Member
Hi all!

Couple of questions:

- My pygmys turn pale green when sleeping is that common or are they displeased at something?

-What color do they assume when they're pissed off at something? I think other chameleons turn darker, right?

-How many hours should they sleep? 12? I think mine are sleeping 10 or so... is that ok?

Mine turn colors all of the time, maybe not so much colors but rather patterns. They all get lighter when they sleep. Mine usually get 11 hours of sleep a night.
My brevs turn a light brown when they're asleep. One of my males doesn't sleep nearly as much as the female or the other male...he's always digging around in the substrate when the other two are asleep. When my two males were in the same tank, one of them generally turned pretty dark when they were gaping and posturing; the markings usually got exaggerated on both of them. They don't show much aggression since they've been separated. Sometimes one of them will turn dark, but I'm never quite sure why.
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