a few question on chameleons and feeder mice

hello community,

as this is my first post, let me begin by saying hello. "forgivemyhonesty" is a name i use across all forums and people tend to respond to "honesty". i came across these forums today while doing my reptile research for what will someday soon be my new pet. i would ideally like to own a chameleon as i think they are the coolest lizards of all... but i am willing to settle for something less fussy like a water dragon.

i have seen lots of footage of chameleons (and water dragons) eating feeder mice (both pinkie and what seems to be full grown) and thusly i have come to the conclusion that this is ok for them to eat - please correct me if i'm wrong


how many chameleons (and/or water dragons... or "pets" that eat feeder mice) should i own to justify breeding the mice as opposed to just buying them.

some other questions:

- is it REALLY that bad to feed my pets things (bugs, mice, fish, frogs) that i found in nature?
- i hear captive bred pets don't have great immune systems which is why the above question isn't such a great idea... is this true? is there a way to bolster it or introduce outside creatures into their diet? i don't mean to sound like i'm looking to cut corners... just costs (but ultimately, i want to have my pet's best interests and health in mind)

i hope to hear your thoughts, community.
Welcome to the forum. You will learn a lot here and owning a cham is a very rewarding hobby. Best advice is to research and learn :)

If you do a search on the work pinkie or mouse you will find some very well debated threads where you can make your own mind up on it. Personally I have never fed off a pinkie as there are too many other good feeders out there to give variety and keep my cham interested (crickets, dubias, silk, horn and super worms and many more). Below are a couple of threads that I found quickly to get you started....they cover a lot of the pros and cons.

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