A Foreign Do it Yourself Video

Can You Make aN English Totorial. oR Can You Please Translate?

Sorry I could not tell you how to translate the video. Has anyone got an idea how to translate or is that even possibly on a you tube video?

The terrariums are a good design. Good ventilation, vertical and horizontal space, aesthetically pleasing and good lighting.:D
iM Really Planning oF Making oNe oF These. i Think iM Just Going To Use Google Translate. How Much Did You Spend oN making That Beautiful Cage. aNd How iS Your chameleon Doing?
iM Really Planning oF Making oNe oF These. i Think iM Just Going To Use Google Translate. How Much Did You Spend oN making That Beautiful Cage. aNd How iS Your chameleon Doing?

That is not my cage. I'm just a fan of this Do it yourself endeavor. I found the video on you tube and figure I would post a link. He has the dimensions in the video.
Kave man, go to Forums ---> the section you want to post under (example, Enclosures) ----> Hit the "Create a new thread button" near the top, above all the threads.

Those are awesome cages. Really amazing on the inside. I wish I could build a really big cage for my guys if I decide I don't want to free range any more, but the last one I built (2.5 x 2 x 4.5') barely fits through my door frames! So you have to be very concious of that or make sure it can be easily taken apart. But I love the cork and all the different plants. Came out super nice!
Thats german.. Maybe one of our german friends can help translate!
Awesome terrariums, they'd be the perfect way to convince my parents to let me get new chams :D
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