A Funny Question for All


Avid Member
So I was curious. For those of you that have your enclosures in your bedroom. You know how once and a while those jumpy little feeders will sneak away from you from time to time.... How many of you have woken up with them crawling on your face...because this is a semi-regular occurance for us. :eek: We may be lone soles in this but I just find it a bit amusing. :D
No.. Never happened, you know why? Because I would DIE IF A CRICKET WAS ON MY FACE. I love animals and all, but I would just absolutely flip out and have a heart attack.. lol!!
our cham is not in our bedroom but we still loose crickets all the time! ill randomly see them running across the floor all the time. i think it would freak me out if i woke up with one on me while i was sleeping
mine is hand fed so i never have this problem and the crickets are nasty little devils if you ask me. they seem t do the opposite of what you want them to do.
Just imagine...an early Saturday morning. You slowly wake up to a gentle tickle on your chest, neck, etc. thinking it is your significant other. Except when you open your eyes you see it is a big, nasty, disgusting cricket!! Ewww, how gross is that.
i dont sleep naked especially not in front of my baby veiled, dont want to pollute the eyes
yah with the rotating eyeballs. i would completely understand if your chameleon hissed at you jk. better yet if it didnt hand feed. . . .. . . .
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