A good staple?


New Member
I know alot of peeps use crickets...but I hate em! I know pheonix worms are expensive....but do they make as good of a staple as crickets?
Crickets, roaches, silkworms, and hornworms are good for the more often fed feeders, but you can't just feed worms. they need chitin in their diet from superworms, crickets, roaches, stick insects, grass hoppers, and other hard shelled bugs. You can also feed butterworms, wax worms, phoenix worms, fruit flies, house flies, blue bottle flies, praying mantis, snails, worms, and non toxic moths and butterflies.
I know alot of peeps use crickets...but I hate em! I know pheonix worms are expensive....but do they make as good of a staple as crickets?

Most adult chameleons will not eat such a tiny worm. I would recommend silk worms as a primary , but still feel its important to offer crickets as part of a varied diet.
Crickets, roahces, wilkworms, and hornworms are good for the more often fed feeders, but you can't just feed worms. they need chitin in their diet from superworms, crickets, roaches, stick insects, grass hoppers, and other hard shelled bugs. You can also feed butterworms, wax worms, phoenix worms, fruit flies, house flies, blue bottle flies, praying mantis, snails, worms, and non toxic moths and butterflies.

You made me tired just reading this and hungry. :D Good post!
My spelling failed... I had to edit it... :) My house is too cold to type right now. I can't feel my fingers!!!
Okay...gottcha! Sorry I'm new to chameleons...I haven't got mine yet. I just want to figure everything out first. I'm wanting to get a vield cham I have 3 Beardies already :)
Why dont you breed roaches? B. Dubias dont smell, jump, fly, climb, bite, smell, jump, SMELL, and they come in sizes from 1/4 of an inch to two inches. Plus they have more meat than crickets and they look like big rollie pollies! :D
honestly because I don't know a thing about them...some other folks said they'd be awesome for the beardies....but the word roach grosses me out LOL
Why dont you breed roaches? B. Dubias dont smell, jump, fly, climb, bite, smell, jump, SMELL, and they come in sizes from 1/4 of an inch to two inches. Plus they have more meat than crickets and they look like big rollie pollies! :D

correction, they do jump and fly.
Not often, but they certainly can fly.
I've only ever seen the males kind of do a lame hover/glide type thing... I've never seen them actually lift off and go up into the air...
Yes dubia will jump one out of every hundred times you grab them and i have seen a male that I dropped kinda sorta fly. he just mainly used his flapping wings to navigate the landing so I wouldn't call it flying per se, but I do think it would be possible for them to. I've been using them as feeders for 6 months and haven't had any escape or get away yet so they are very easy to maintain/ eaasier to breed than cricket/ don't smell/ and have more meat per square millimeter than crickets :) On the otehr hand crickets get away all the time and can nibble on your animals if they are left in the cages, its neveer happened to me but it can happen. Plus if you are lazy like me and don't want to clean the thing out once or twice a week they can sometimes get smelly. Mine didn't very often but when they did it was bad. I only clean teh roaches out every month or so or when I see mold or something. Plus you don't have many, if any, die offs like you would with crickets.
I guess technically Dodolah is correct again.. if you use the definition below. I will have to agree unless he was using fly like example c. Then I will have to disagree. Now forget anyone said anything about flying and get some roaches. :D

To engage in flight, especially:
a. To move through the air by means of wings or winglike parts.
b. To travel by air: We flew to Dallas.
c. To operate an aircraft or spacecraft.

edit: just in case you do not think so , "b" is possible its how I got about 200 of my adults. 2 day air to be exact.
They are just too heavy and their wings too feeble to jump up and fly upward as opposed to gliding downwards. Mine don't even have a lid and I sleep very well at night.
They are just too heavy and their wings too feeble to jump up and fly upward as opposed to gliding downwards. Mine don't even have a lid and I sleep very well at night.

I have a few thousand without a lid... no issues. Personally , I have actually never seen a male attempt to fly jump etc
Are mine just weird? They dont jump... ever.

EDIT: Or at least from when I'm looking at/catching. When you have too many males, how do you cull them? or do you just feed them to big lizards?
I've only ever seen the males kind of do a lame hover/glide type thing... I've never seen them actually lift off and go up into the air...

Youtube used to have a video clip of blaptica dubia taking off and fly to try to escape from the plastic bin.
Couldn't find it anymore for some reason..

Albeit rare, male dubia does have the ability to do so.

Ryan, don't be silly.. squirrel don't fly! they glide :D
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