A new species of chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae: Nadzikambia) from Mount Mabu, central Mozambique…


Chameleon Queen
“In addition to a new population of Rhampholeon sp., an additional chameleon was photographed during the botanical survey of the mountain. This chameleon could not be assigned to any known species, and an additional short trip was made to Mount Mabu in May 2009 to collect material for study. This proved successful and the results of the analysis of this new material are presented below.”…
https://biblioteca.biofund.org.mz/w...10 Branch Tolley Ajh Nadzikambia Baylissi.Pdf
When I first got into chameleons there were 174 known species. Last I heard there is 205 plus 38 subspecies. To me that means they are successfully cross breeding. Everyone said my female panther and male veiled could not breed. Usually the animals instinct fully know what they can breed with. But my veiled was totally in love with my panther and had her in the prone position in less than a minute when he was
Mistakenly put in the basking window while she was there. So my thinking is is they can’t lay successful fertilized eggs then he wouldn’t have gone for it. I stopped it before he could fertilize her. But still, nature knows! Great article thanks for sharing. For them to be around for over three million years, they must be doing something right.
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