A plant or two to be careful of...

You'd have to use the seeds to get any "trippy" properties....and youd have to consume a mass quantity to get any LSA ( a derivative of LSD).....

so you wouldnt end up with a "high" cham. like stated above, it's a viracious grower, which means it can and will take over/strangle other plants by competing for light.

Like MANY houseplants, it is toxic if ingested in high quantities.... same goes for the idolized POTHOS/DEVILS IVY. It's packed full of crystal oxalate, which leads to the same symptoms a morning glory would cause, but plus a finery burning mouth sensation.

Also same goes for alot of alocasia I see people use, they leach a toxic sap when scratched/broken that burns the skin and can leave blisters and lesions.

Alot of people also use Ficus varieties in their enclosures, which are indeed, also just as toxic as any...
Common ficus houseplant varieties like Ficus elastica (Rubber plant), Ficus lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig tree), and Ficus maclellandii all contain poisonous sap that can cause dermal and gastrointestinal irritation in cats and dogs.

So far hibiscus, and only half of them, are the only HOUSE plant I've seen used that haven't been deemed pet toxic....

But, to each their own.
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