About egg laying sites


New Member
I just found out my female veiled chameleon will have to lay her eggs even if she hasn't been with a male. I have her for around 8-10 months already. For the most part she is eating and drinking normally, but i find her navigating through the floor of the cage a lot, which is mostly the sign that she doesn't like her environment or is time to lay her eggs.

My question is what type of laying site and materials do i need? i know a lot of people say they use "play sand and a trash can". I can find play sand easily, but i can't use a trash can because i got none that i could use for the moment. I will like to know what other containers i could use as well as the measurements and amount of sand i should give to it. Also should i keep that certain container inside her cage as well? That way she can have her light and trees for the environment as well as water whenever she needs it? or the container is going to be too large to fit on a 24x24x48 cage?
Tupperwares work well

All I use for my females is a large Tupperware, about a foot deep if possible and 10 inches in diameter and that is fine for them to lay in. Place it at the bottom of the cage in the most isolated spot so they feel as comfortable and protected as possible and that should do the trick. Some people use a large trashcan but that is not fully necessary although in no way wrong.

I have seen the Tupperware used by big breeders such as chameleons101 with great success and I have used it myself and it has worked great. The Tupperware can be in the cage at all times so there is no stress of bringing the chameleon in and out of their cage to lay.

Best of luck with your veiled female.
thx djfishygills, that exactly what i was looking for, Tupperware sounds like something i could keep on the cage in the environment she feel comfortable in as well as where she can lay her eggs normally whenever the needs to without having to move her away from her environment.
so you have now have an egg laying bin, thats great. what do you plan on using in the egg laying bin? i would recommend using washed played sand moistened to like you would be building a sand castle. Dig a tunnel and see if it holds, you could also leave a tunnel in there, she may or may not use it, but my female did, saved her alot of effort, smart like her dad. I have also heard people using a combination of play sand and potting soil or just potting soil without any fertilizers and what not of course :) also give her her own space, use a towel or something so she can be alone and not stress. You dont want her to become EGGBOUND :S
I already made an egg laying bin with a small garbage can that we use for the kitchen. It is big enough and could fit on the cage as well as hold the play sand that I bought at home depot. As for the type of sand, the bag didn't specify that it was "washed" but the sand was moist when we tried making the tunnel. I added some sprinkles of water "just in case" it was moist enough, but for Now iguess I'll wait and see what happens and I will keep u guys updated towards my progress just in case.
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