About To Buy Houseflys from this site need help......

go with the regular wild houseflies. I usually buy 100 grams (which is a ton of pupae!).
I have a lot of animals that like houseflies ...the pupae are good for awhile in the refrigerator, but you may not go through all 100 grams before they go bad (stop hatching).
For one chameleon you might be better off starting with 10 grams, which should last you 2 to 4 weeks.

Do I need to gutload the flies? If so, How do I do this? Do I just put them in the fridge? As for the crickets, I just feed them greens and carrots? Is there a good way to keep them?
Do I need to gutload the flies? If so, How do I do this? Do I just put them in the fridge?

I usually don't worry about gutloading them too much but if you have a tub or cup WITH A LID, you can offer them something. To feed them, take them out of the fridge and allow them to hatch first. Taken right off of the SpiderPharm webpage "Houseflies need sugar and water after emergence and a good source of protein and nutrients later if you need viable eggs. You can place a shallow Petri dish or saucer of sugar and powder milk in the cage with a small dish of water filled with large wood chips. The wood chips reduce drowning by giving the flies something to walk on. "
I just bought 10 grams. This may sound like a stupid question, but how do you get the flies into the cage without having them fly all over the house? Also, can I breed these flies so I don't have to keep reordering them? Thanks again for all the help. :)
Stick the flies in the freezer for a minute or two, or until they stop flying. Then open the lid. Found this out the hard way, once.

As for breeding, not sure.
Go to mantisplace.com, go to care sheets-Blue Bottle flies-same for houseflies as BB flies.:D

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