? about traveling with cham.


I have to go out of town during spring break and I have no one here that can care for my chameleon so I must take her with me. We will be in the car for almost 4 hours. My question is this: Would it be best to go buy a pop-up laundry basket with a zipped top or use a large critter keeper. Raine is about 2 months old and I want to make this trip as easy as possible on her. I will be gone for a total of 4 days so I will be taking her lights along.

Thanks for any and all suggestions

yea i just use a box with a stick in it for traveling... he just goes to sleep once in it :0

i find it to be less stressful for him when he just goes to sleep for the entire trip, so whatever you use just cover it with a towel or something.
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