ciafardo 4
New Member
today i decided i would try and pair up my super orange and yellow veiled with a nice female . I started by letting them see each other so everything went as normal she was receptive so i open the cage and let him in (i find that male veileds are a little more gentle if you put them in the female enclosure ). so i let him in and in a second he charged her and just about chomped her front leg completely i quickly broke it up and he got another bite in on her side i was so mad i wanted to throw him out the window but instead i put him back in his enclosure! This was his first and his last time breeding . I have bred quite a few veileds and hatched numerous clutches and never have i seen such aggression towards a female. this psycho will remain single for the rest of his life i dont care how good he looks! the female has a broken leg and a nasty gash so anyone one breeding veileds beware there are psycho males that are just to aggressive to breed.