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I'm having a tough time with humidity I was wondering if an acrylic tank would be a good option my boyfriend uses one for his Cresties and he loves it.
I'm having a tough time with humidity I was wondering if an acrylic tank would be a good option my boyfriend uses one for his Cresties and he loves it.

The most economical way is to wrap a shower curtain around three sides of your screen cage to hold in humidity. If you are looking for a more polished solution, my company, Dragon Strand, has the Breeder series which has three solid sides and is designed specifically for chameleons. The three solid sides are PVC and provide a light weight solution. The solid sides allow you to not only hold in humidity from live plants, but allow you to run your misters as long as you need to without getting the outside walls and furniture wet. You can check them out here Dragon Strand Breeder Series if you are interested and I would, of course, be happy to answer any questions.

I'm having a tough time with humidity I was wondering if an acrylic tank would be a good option my boyfriend uses one for his Cresties and he loves it.

But to answer your question specifically, an acrylic cage would work as long as you balanced the humidity with ventilation. A naturalistic approach may be your solution. You can hold in humidity with cork lined sides and a substrate with leaf litter. I have used my Breeder series for this (as you can see by some photos in the banner on that link), but you can use glass or acrylic terrariums the exact same way. Your challenge with glass or acrylic is finding a cage size that works well for a chameleon. And with the amount of misting that chameleons need you need to be careful you do not oversaturate your substrate.

With the PVC Breeder series cages I put in a substrate tray and sit the cage on a drainage tray. The substrate tray inside the cage drains into the drainage tray outside the cage and I can mist my chameleons as long as I want and the water just flows into the drainage tray.

What kind of chameleon do you have?

I have a male ambilobe panther chameleon. I really like your cages! They are a little more then I was looking to spend but I will definitely keep them in mind if I don't find another solution. But they are really awesome!
Just go to your local lumber store and look for rigid plastic sheets. Shower curtain would work too but may not look as nice. More plants and longer mistings would also probably solve your deliema. My cages get misted 6 times a day for 1 minute each and the humidity goes up to around 80 then slowly drops down to 60 right before the next misting.
No substrate indeed. Not necessary. Plants, as mentioned above, help greatly with humidity retention. Also, dragonstrand enclosures are excellent and well worth the price.
An earty substrate? Im pretty sure most on here would advise against any substrate.

Don't just dismiss it mate... try it.
Lots of keepers in Europe & the UK (& a few in the US too) have been using substrate in their enclosures for years now.
Im not dismissing it, but with a chameleon that cost 200 -400 dollars thats not something im foing to risk. They can get sick easily enough, I dont need to throw impaction in on it.
Don't just dismiss it mate... try it.
Lots of keepers in Europe & the UK (& a few in the US too) have been using substrate in their enclosures for years now.

Your totally right!!
But you know what happens when someone suggests a "new idea"....
My pygmys haven't gotten impaction...
Trust, your Jackson will be fine lol.
Just my 0.2 cents...
Please don't rip my head off lol.
I put 12 inch high acrylic around the bottom of my screen cage to stop the spatter from my drips coming off my leaves.

The good news it stops spatters.

The bad news is it needs constant cleaning, and is expensive.

If you have a Veiled or Panther you don't need high humidity.

I already have a pothos but I can add some more I guess but they need to be hardy and I really don't want to deal with the mess of substrate I already have enough with my other reptiles lol
I already have a pothos but I can add some more I guess but they need to be hardy and I really don't want to deal with the mess of substrate I already have enough with my other reptiles lol

No "mess" with substrate... Don't even have to clean out tanks/enclosures, if they are set up properly. :D
If your interested, look into bio active set ups. All the rage here in the UK atm. Not just for chameleons either, but all sorts of reptiles & amphibians. In fact the idea originally came from dartfrog keepers (myself inc) who have adapted it to other amphibians & reptiles.
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