Acting Different


New Member
Ok, so my cham is normally all over the place and eats about 6-9 crickets a day. Now, her eating habits are different and she sits on one stick all day. Lastly when I spray her she runs to the bottom and lays on her stomach, which she never.

Oh and when she moves her legs they are kind of spastic the whole time until she grabs a stick.
Ok, so I boarded my girl for a few days. When i did this i took out her water bubbler and dish. When I put ice on top of the cage and it started dripping she was on that like flies on poop. So I put the dish back in and she flew to it like a bat out of hell. She was just really thirsty.
do not use a bowl of water for her to drink out of. I am even surprised she will do that. It can harbor bacteria unless you are meticulous about cleaning it out. If she poops in it and drinks out of it you may have a sick chameleon on your hands. Either buy or make yourself a dripper, hand mist or get a misting sytem.
I do watch it very closely. It has a bubbling system in it that moves the water in it and she will walk right down into it like a stream and drink from it. Also, it has rocks in it so that it is not just water.
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