Action Jacksons HABITat.

Really nice. Action Jackson is chilling!

Thanks SocialNumb, I appreciate you stopping by to visit my post!
To be fair I've planned this enclosure over the last 20+ years lol so to me it should look even better haha.
Happy shower time! The only time Jax don't look so crabby :)

It's true lol,my guy is in a really low traffic area of a low traffic area of the house,so lucky for me he is out in the open a good bit despite all the spots he has to shade himself at multiple levels.
Very pretty enclosure. Are all the plants real or is it a mixture? I have to ask, is it tough to pick up poo? I've always kept the floor clear for that reason but admittedly it's not very pretty. Also what about feeders and the rocks? This is one of the more attractive enclosures I've seen.
Very pretty enclosure. Are all the plants real or is it a mixture? I have to ask, is it tough to pick up poo? I've always kept the floor clear for that reason but admittedly it's not very pretty. Also what about feeders and the rocks? This is one of the more attractive enclosures I've seen.

Good questions. Well, he poops in the same two spots,up close to his basking area,and on the lower large wood piece. Feeders sent much an issue,there's a cup he readily eats from up near the basking site,I also will add horn worms in the cage, 1 at a time and he will hunt it down,I will only feed these like this if I have time to keep watch of him eating it. Same with roaches and meal worms, I'll allow one at a time in the cage near him and make sure he eats it,and I'll do it till he's full,so most often I don't have issues with feeders. Alot of the plants are live,the small palm on the bottom left,the bromeliad, the orchid,the hibiscus,and croton are all live,the rest is exo Terra plastics,mostly to hide the planters clever like,and did adding cover and climbing areas.
For clean up,I simply remove all the plants etc sit him and his hibiscus near an open window and roll the enclosure over to my kitchen sink,use the hose and sprayer and rinse it all down the 3" sink drain I have installed in the enclosure into a catch bucket.
Also thank you MamatoElvis, that was rude,I answered the questions and didn't even say thank you for the compliment.
Very nice.
Thanks for posting.
I love seeing set ups that really bring Nature inside...

Your work inspires us to all just reach a little further to create the beautiful habitats these animals deserve!


Very nice.
Thanks for posting.
I love seeing set ups that really bring Nature inside...

Your work inspires us to all just reach a little further to create the beautiful habitats these animals deserve!


Thanks Todd! It has definitely been fun setting it up,honestly it's probably my favorite part is designing a habitat or trying to copy one from nature anyway. It helps alot having a LIGHT YOUR REPTILES fixture and bulbs over it :)
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