Adult Male dubias and Adult Females

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Chameleon Enthusiast
I am trying to sell off some of my adult males to reduce the number in my colony. I don't suggest buying the ratio I am offering unless you have an excess of females in your colony. 1 female can be bought to every 4 males.

Males: 1-3: .75 each
4: .50 each

Females: 1.00 each

My colony is up to 800 strong, they are power houses for food. They are constantly producing nymphs, and the females will most likely be coming to you pregnant if they don't get so stressed out that they drop the egg case. They will be shipped with food and in a deli cup. I will also send a 1/4 of a pound of roach food home with each batch bought from me.

Contact and Payment:
1. Contact is best made through my email which is [email protected] but I will answer my personal messages too, just not as quickly.
2. Paypal is the only form of payment I accept.
3. USPS is the shipping method I use, unless otherwise asked it will be Priority mail, 2 day shipping.
4. Once I have asked for your address/zip code I will give you the shipping estimate and total it will come out to be.
Thank you for reading ^^
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