Advice for an egg bound chameleon


New Member
My 1 year old female veiled chameleon laid her 2nd clutch of eggs. She laid about 43 and I thought that was all of them until I noticed blood in her stool. She was being lethargic, had sunken eyes, and a few other symptoms. I took her to the vet and they did an x-ray and said it looked like there was still some eggs inside of her. They gave her a shot of medicine to induce labor and try and pass the eggs. Then over the next 2 days she had bloody stools that looks like there could be egg pieces in them. She has been drinking a little but hasn't eaten. Her lethargy has gotten worse, and she has almost no energy. This whole time she is still a good light green coloring.

Does anyone know if she has possibly passed the eggs in the bloody stool? How do I know if she is going to die? Is there any timeline to dying from being egg bound?


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The only way to tell for sure if she passed the rest of the eggs is with X Ray. If she is passing broken eggs, I would imagine that may be very bad. If she hasn’t been able to pass all of the eggs, the only way to save her is thru surgery. @kinyonga and @jannb know much more than I and can better help you.
I was considering surgery, but the one exotic vet I found nearby said he hasn't done too many and it would pretty much be a random chance if she survived 😟
If that is a pic of her now then I hate to tell you but she is dying... Her eyes tell it all. You would want to act fast... but I gotta say if a chameleon is already that weak and sleeping during the day and eyes sunk in to that point then I do not know how likely it would be for her to pull through surgery.
If that is a pic of her now then I hate to tell you but she is dying... Her eyes tell it all. You would want to act fast... but I gotta say if a chameleon is already that weak and sleeping during the day and eyes sunk in to that point then I do not know how likely it would be for her to pull through surgery.
Thank you for responding, I was really worried that was the case. Do you have any idea how long this process is? It's really hard to see her in this much pain and so exhausted.
Thank you for responding, I was really worried that was the case. Do you have any idea how long this process is? It's really hard to see her in this much pain and so exhausted.
It is sooooooo hard with these guys. They can look like they are on deaths door and hang on for days and days. Or they go faster within 12 hours. I mean if you are not going to be able to get surgery due to not having a vet that thinks they can bring her through it then humane euthanasia is an option with a vet.

Also I didn't mean to sound harsh in my first post... or cold. Just want to give my opinion so you know where your at right now with your girl. Fingers crossed for you. :)
It is sooooooo hard with these guys. They can look like they are on deaths door and hang on for days and days. Or they go faster within 12 hours. I mean if you are not going to be able to get surgery due to not having a vet that thinks they can bring her through it then humane euthanasia is an option with a vet.

Also I didn't mean to sound harsh in my first post... or cold. Just want to give my opinion so you know where your at right now with your girl. Fingers crossed for you. :)
I might have to go with euthanasia, I really just don't want her to suffer longer than she has too
I do agree with @Beman she’s looking not very hopeful and you saying she’s weak, I personally think humane euthanasia would be the best option for her and for you. It can take long before they completely pass away, this is terrible and painful for her, but for you as well. Just coming from that situation and it hurts to see them decline (and mine took only less then 12 hours from healthy to…..).
I’m really sorry you need to go through this. Wish you the best with this though decision and terrible situation 🙏🏻
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I do agree with @Beman she’s looking not very hopeful and you saying she’s weak, I personally think humane euthanasia would be the best option for her and for you. It can take long before they completely pass away, this is terrible and painful for her, but for you as well. Just coming from that situation and it hurts to see them decline (and mine took only less then 12 hours from healthy to…..).
I’m really sorry you need to go through this. Wish you the best with this though decision and terrible situation 🙏🏻
Thank you, she's my best friend and I love her so much so it's going to be really hard, but I just don't want her to suffer any longer than she has too
Can you please update us on what happened? I have the EXACT same scenario with my female, took her to the vet (they did xrays and suspect she has additional eggs) and am now force-feeding her. I don't want her to be in pain, but I also will not do a surgery at this point. Thank you. Sorry about your cham. :(
Can you please update us on what happened? I have the EXACT same scenario with my female, took her to the vet (they did xrays and suspect she has additional eggs) and am now force-feeding her. I don't want her to be in pain, but I also will not do a surgery at this point. Thank you. Sorry about your cham. :(
Unfortunately I had to have her euthanized that same day. I thought she could pull through it but just kept getting worse and worse until I could tell she was so weak and in so much pain it was the most humane thing to do. I couldn't get her to eat though so I'm not sure how that could change things.
I'm really sorry you're going through this also and hope you can get some answers you need ❤️
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