Hi, my yemen chameleon is about 2 years old and last week laid eggs.She was off her food and water and lost weight.Two days after laying eggs she went for a walk around the cage as usual,took a drink and then a little while later sat down on the ground and went still.she changed colour to some shades of gray and her belly and sides went dark brown.I have never seen these colours on her before this,allthough her eyes went black during the couple of days while laying.
I left her for about 2 hours and when I checked she didnt look good,I thought she was dead.I took her out to check.she was stiff. Then she took a breath but still seemed stiff.I put her back and left her there.
I read about brumation and hoped that this was all it was.After 3 days she looks a lot worse,tounge is gone black and the eyes are sunk into her head.Her colour has changed back to a nice light green but she still has not moved.She feels cold and her belly is soft.
I think she is dead,but have no experiance with brumation so I dont know for sure..I guess the eyes and tounge are bad news ?
What do you guys think ?
I left her for about 2 hours and when I checked she didnt look good,I thought she was dead.I took her out to check.she was stiff. Then she took a breath but still seemed stiff.I put her back and left her there.
I read about brumation and hoped that this was all it was.After 3 days she looks a lot worse,tounge is gone black and the eyes are sunk into her head.Her colour has changed back to a nice light green but she still has not moved.She feels cold and her belly is soft.
I think she is dead,but have no experiance with brumation so I dont know for sure..I guess the eyes and tounge are bad news ?
What do you guys think ?