Age of my veiled?


New Member

Hi! I purchased a female veiled chameleon last month, and I was wondering how old she was. Obviously she's just a baby and I don't think she's more than 3-4 months..? I have put some pictures and I think she is about 2-3 inches. (She climbed to the end of the ruler)
I'd say around 3 months. That depends on a few things, like how much she is eating, etc, but that is my "educated" guess. :)
How much are you feeding her? I know at that general age she should be relatively lanky but she still looks a bit too thin in my eyes...
How much are you feeding her? I know at that general age she should be relatively lanky but she still looks a bit too thin in my eyes...
We're feeding her about 5 crickets a day.. I'm going to start putting at least 10 in her bowl and see how much she eats out of those. Today we're going to buy more crickets. She gets 2-3 mealworms every 2 weeks. Hopefully she'll fatten up... I also want to buy a couple fruits or greens for her to eat too. Hope this helps :) (and if your talking about the last picture she puffed up and her stomach 'pushed in')
She will probably eat all of those 10 depending on what size they are. At this age most chameleons eat around 12 a day or more. Though most people hold back on the females as they get older to slow egg production.
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