Age of veiled chameleon


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new to the forums. I just got a veiled chameleon about a month ago and was wondering if anyone could tell me how old he is. Since I have had him, he has shedded once and has seemed to fill out his length and isn't so long and skinny anymore. Thanks!:)
I agree, I think that's a female. There don't appear to be any tarsal spurs (little bumps on the backs of the rear feet).

It's been a long time since I last had a baby veiled but I would guess that one is around 5 months.
Clean the crusty poop. :D Looks 3 months to me and female. I'm a noob but looks about what mine looks like size wise.
Can we get a picture of the back of his/her rear feet? You can't tell if it has spurs or not from the posted picture... That way we can get that debate solved. Lol
Hey guys, i can assure you he is a male he has tarsal spurs, i would post a pic but he is being kinda difficult right now, he has had the stripes for a few weeks but i think that is him just getting his adult pattern because that is not the pattern he gets when he is stressed out. Like i said he is being somewhat difficult so i can't really measure him right now but I will try to in the very near future
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