Alfred's new enclosure!


Avid Member

Light your reptiles 36' quad tropic blaze fixture,
Mistaking set up coming soon! Having trouble finding a drainage solution. Anywho, it's 2 lll reptile sandwiched together..
Thanks , I have more space now so I figured he deserved extra space as well. Once I figure out what I'm going to do for drainage I can set up his mistaking system .
Over night, hoping it's more of a moon simulator , he usually sleeps on the right side of the cage.. I figure even the darkest forest or jungle has some moon glow..
I only have the blue lights on for a bit after lights out and also before they come back on. I still like to have darkness most of the night.
I did too, but I had an extra zoomed LED light fixture and I accidentally switched it out of the timed outlet and it gave me that idea from looking at it, it looked like a moon in the distance.. The rest of the cage is very dark, if I notice any stress signs I'll go back to pure darkness...
I would suggest total darkness, unlike other reptile chameleons can see the red light spectrums etc and it will disturb their sleep cycle.
I'd also have darkness overnight. I can't think of any benefit to having them on, and it can be real tough to see signs of health issues until they are a big problem.
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