all day in hole - no eggs


New Member
My panther spent all day yesterday digging and sitting in her hole, I peeked behind the blanket this morning to find the hole covered and her sitting above the bin.

I took out the bin, she looks tired and dehydrated, I have spayed her viv a few times she is drinking. I checked the whole bin but no eggs!

I have covered her up again put the bin back, started a small hole like I did before.

Do they only dig when laying because I am not sure if she is gravid as she is only small and not really got a big belly, she looked bigger when I got her, although was eating about 3 size 3/4 locusts a day she stopped about 2 weeks ago.
They can and most do go off feed before laying eggs (average 2-5 days). They can spend several trial days of exploring the bin, also (2-5 days). If truly you are unsure, it may be best for a vet to xray her for definitive answer. Egg binding will kill her. If it is her first clutch, she may be unsure of what to do. I have seen some first timers take longer or even just drop the eggs on the bin surface. Without seeing her or knowing your cham, it is hard for me to say, other than an xray.
Did it look like she had tamper the substrate down over the hole? If she intentionally filled in the hole without laying the eggs it might be that she is eggbound...especially since she stayed in the hole for quite a while.

If this is the case she will need to see a vet to have the eggs removed.
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