Alternative silk worm food


Established Member
I was wondering is there anything else you can feed silkworms besides mulberry chow or leaves. I have a mulberry tree near by but i don’t feel safe using them
Read that carrots work to a point. If I remember correctly, they do much better if you start them on leaves or chow and if breeding, they need it before cocooning.
They can go a day or two on carrots in a pinch but mulberry leaves are key. I would isolate a few of them and try them on the leaves for a few days. Only use the new leaves from the ends of the branches the leathery ones are no good. If there is anything bad on them the silks won't survive they are the canary in the coal mine. I get mine from a tree on school grounds.
I have no issue using leathery leaves unless the babies are brand new, and then you just need to rip the leaves like with leaf insects. I feed my breeders only leaves.
Thanks for clarifying that. I rarely grow my silks all the way out so I have better luck with the thinner leaves.
Sure thing sweetie, I think it has something to do with the younger leaves being more tender so when they are super young it's easier for them to eat and encourages them more. Leaf and younger stick insect nymphs can be similar. It's why leaf insects are a PIA
I have no issue using leathery leaves unless the babies are brand new, and then you just need to rip the leaves like with leaf insects. I feed my breeders only leaves.
Where do you get the leaves?
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