aluminum screening


New Member
im getting somone to build my cage i just woundering wht sort of screening i shud go for im thinking aluminum just dnt wnt any creep crawlys getting out could peeps hep me out with measurments plz ty
Just so you know some people are using the pretty wide square wire cloths and just use a feeder cup. . .check Nygel's youtube vid on how to make one, and it seems to work just fine. . .hope this helps:D

Also you don't want to go too small on your screening because from i can tell/heard it can rip the claws off your cham leading to infection and just plain old pain, and who likes that?
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If you need to contain insects, then of your choices, aluminum is about the only way to go. Were you to use fiberglass or other lighter-weight synthetic screen products, crickets can chew right through it. With aluminum, it can wear on the nails of the chameleon, and at times induce injury, especially the larger the chameleon. For this reason, it is good to provide a secondary climbing grid of wood or plastic that the chameleon can utilize, in the hopes of minimizing the amount of screen climbing it would otherwise do. Good luck with all.
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