Always brown / not eating


I have a 4 month old male Jackson. For the first couple of days he did great, was more light green than brown and ate about 5 or so Dubias/crickets a day and was hand feeding with tweezers the 2nd day. A few days after that I had to move him to fix something with his cage and since then he has only eaten 1 dubia in 3 days and is always brown I thought maybe he was stressed from me handling him and tried cup feeding but he still doesn't eat and if I try hand feeding he will sit there and then eventually turn around and walk away. As of 2 days ago he was still producing healthy looking feces. There is not a wide variety of small enough feeders in my area but I have ordered smaller dubias which should be here this week. I'm going to get longer feeding tongs and see if that'll work but how do I know when I should take him to the vet? How many days without food is unsafe?
Are you only cup feeding and feeding off tweezers. If your answer is yes then you need to let his feeders crawl around with him. I have panthers and I've tried to cup feed and most will starve themselves to death before they eat out of containers.
Chameleons like to hunt!!!
He ate 1 dubia off his branch this morning but only one. There is another on one of his leaves that he hasn't touched and some crickets in a DIY cup feeder made with a 1/4 gallon milk jug and some mesh. I'm still worried though as he has only eaten 1 dubia every other day for the last 4 days.


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