Am I Crazy?


Sometimes I just find myself sitting on my bed staring at my chameleon-I don't know why I do it. One minute I'm doing chores and then the next I'm sitting there looking at my cham. I dunno, maybe I just love my cham a lot. Am I crazy?:(:confused:
Of course not! I love just sitting and watching mine roam around thier cages. Its part of the reason I got into chameleons. They are one of the most interesting reptiles to watch!
Sometimes I just find myself sitting on my bed staring at my chameleon-I don't know why I do it. One minute I'm doing chores and then the next I'm sitting there looking at my cham. I dunno, maybe I just love my cham a lot. Am I crazy?:(:confused:

I do the same thing. By the way, love your Chams name!
My wife of 30 years says for the first time she thinks she has competition for my affection as I spend hours just sitting and watching mine as well. :D
We're all a little crazy sometimes though, right?.........I know I am :D
It comes down to mere semantics if you wanna admit to it or just call yourself 'eccentric'. :rolleyes: LOL.
I got my first cham last year. Since then, I've taken over an entire floor of my house. I have 45 chams now. 5 locales of panther and some nice veileds. Oh, and I've quit my job and I plan to breed chams full time.
I'm crazy!
Sometimes I just find myself sitting on my bed staring at my chameleon-I don't know why I do it. One minute I'm doing chores and then the next I'm sitting there looking at my cham. I dunno, maybe I just love my cham a lot. Am I crazy?:(:confused:

I still do this lol. He's just so cute, I have to stare at him.
I got my first cham last year. Since then, I've taken over an entire floor of my house. I have 45 chams now. 5 locales of panther and some nice veileds. Oh, and I've quit my job and I plan to breed chams full time.
I'm crazy!

That's not crazy! That's awesome as heck!
I find myself staring at Kuzco as well. Lol. I'll get home from working a 3am shift and think "I'll just sit down for a minute" and I talk to him and the next thing I know I'm captivated. I fall asleep watching him sometimes (when you have to work at 3, nap time becomes yours best friend/worst enemy.) Lol
I must be going crazy too .... 4 months ago I got my first one a female panther, 1 month ago a male veiled rescued off Craigslist and today a male panther........ and as i type this I keep checking them as they sleep like there going to run away. :eek: Oh and a ton of pictures on my phone.
heck, i moved a recliner in front of the cages and am sitting there now.
my chams get me thru some tough days, gives me a sense of accomplishment.
I do the same, sit and stare at my chams :)
And when I'm not staring at them, I'm thinking about them all day at work :rolleyes:
I enjoy spending a lot of time with all my animals (5 in total). If you think about it, a chameleon's habitat is like a personalized mini zen spot. Live plants, running water a peaceful creature. We create a mini ecosystem sustaing life , who would not want to admire that accomplishment.

All animals have a strange intelligence, the more time you spend with one, the more "human" they become.

The real crazy people are those who cannot appreciate these kinds of things in life.
Well, yes you are crazy. Crazy with love for animals/reptiles/chelonian, :D . Too most of the world you are just plain crazy. Too the rest of us (smart people) that are crazy about our animals/reptiles/chelonians, you are very normal. If the others only knew what they were missing. My family think I'm nuts because I love my tortoise so much and kiss his little face all the time. They just don't know what great creatures they all are. So, yes your nuts, and should be very proud of it, I am:D
This is my first chameleon and I love just sitting and watching him. All my family says I'm weird but they just don't understand. It is quite peaceful just watching him roam around especially with the misting going. :)
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