ok so im finally coming to an end . to start off with i made a custom made screen wooden enclosure( 2x,2x,4x). inside i will be adding 100% real life safe plants right now i just have a ficus tree and an asparagus fern. im going to make it very tropical looking so you can get an idea.for lighting a 75 watt basking bulb and a 10.0 UVB i will be trading for a 5.0 if possible. can i use the 10.0? ok thats all for the enclosure. temps are going to be 90-95 degress in basking area and 75-80 degress on cool side. for diet it will consist of mostly dubia roaches and for a little variety crickets and superworms. so 70% dubia roaches, 10% crickets, 10% superworms, and 10% wax worms,hornworms,stuff like that. is this a good feeding? for suplements 2 times a week dust with pure calcium and every 2 weeks calcium with D3. for water i will be misting 4-5 times a day keeping the enclosure moist. and thats basically it. the thing im not sure about is the UVB light can i use a 10.0? because thats the only one i have and i dont want to waste money for one that doesnt reallly have to be used. thanx! and btw i will be getting a 7-9 inch male chameleon from lllreptile!! corrcte if anything is wrong or i missed something