

New Member
Hi everone, i just thought i would post a picture of my panther to see if he is an ambanja as this is what i was told when i was sold him and recently i have learned to doubt the shop that i got him from..

He is around 4 months old (i think, once again the shop proved to be useless!) and is roughly 6 inches head to tail.

So.. what do you think?


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yeah i dont mind if he is an ambanja or not i am just wondering if there is anyone here who could say if they think he is or not. Judging by the amount of different colour 'ambanjas' there are on a google search i should imagine there isnt a way of telling lol
i would have to say i dont im sorry. i would also say that i would re post some new pics of him in about 2 months so we can see his patterns and color. i think that would tell a whole lot more.
Hard to tell, but the red speckling is encouraging and ambanja-like. If you have to doubt the shop, then you can't know for sure if you got a mixed morph, but you'll ultimately have a better shot at knowing since its a male.
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