Amount of Food


New Member
I have a 5 month old male Carpet. For my piece of mind, I was wondering if any of you with Carpets could tell me how much they usually eat in a day? He's growing and shedding, but I worry that he doesn't eat as much as he should. When I give him silkies he'll eat maybe one, no more. Crickets, he'll only eat 2-3 1/2" a day. He refuses to eat any other kind of worm too. I free range sometimes, but more often cup feed so that I can keep track of what's eaten.
My 4 month old male eats a descent amount still. He's not fond of silks so only eats like 1 or 2, crickets maybe 5 big 1/2"ers but he chows down on the houseflies. He'll eat 15-20 easily.

My guys usually eat a decent amount. 8-10 1/2" crickets a day and then some silkworms here and there. Maybe try doing some more free ranging as I've noticed mine will eat more when they hunt them down than just out of a cup.
Have you tried: phoenix worms? micro superworms? I am not sure as to their daily food intake amounts, sorry. but i did like the little guy, from your avatar.enjoy the exotics, everyone has a ford or chevy. not many have an citroen or puegot, like you.
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