Amy's First Roach!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
As today was a feeding day, I offered Amy a roach for the first time as they have now got big enough for the chams to see, lol! I couldn't cope with large ones at first, so I got smalls and waited for them to grow while I got used to the idea of them! Amy ate two and she chewed them for ages, lol! Tommy just looked at them as if to say 'You really expect me to eat THOSE things!':D
That's so funny!! Yuri does the same as Tommy. He won't touch them. Frogg had his fit but now takes the large ones even!!! I just love the look on their faces when you give them something they don't know if the like or not!!!
I found that putting a good sized roach on its back so it tries to right itself a help.
Once they see the wiggling legs they could not resist. Now they both eat them no problems. My veiled will run across the entire cage to get one!
I tried that but Tommy just looked at it in disgust! Amy is more willing to eat whatever is offered although she did give it a funny look at first, lol!
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