An update on Merlin! (Mainly For Yak and Lathis)


New Member
As some of you may have seen, I had been doing a lot of posting about my new friend, a Jackson named Merlin. I wanted to thank you all, especially Yak and Lathis, for all of your help! It may please you to hear that he is doing well, 3 weeks after coming home with me. His injury to one of his spines has healed well, and he has been drinking drops of water on plants after misting. He has still been fairly social and adventurous. I brought the humidifier from the living room (for my guitars) to my room to help keep the humidity right. He still spends most of his time on his vine. It still disturbs me that his tongue is almost longer than his body...

Thanks again for all your help!
That's great! The learning curve for a new cham keeper can be super intimidating (been there, done that!).

Glad he's drinking and you're figuring out the humidity. Next step: do a lot of research on supplements and gut loading. As I'm finding out, Jax can be very sensitive to their nutritional needs. A well balanced gut load is critical.

Set yourself up a good free range area too. My little guy just loves to hang out by the window and watch everything. Giving him regular fee range time really appears to improve his trust and friendliness.

Here at CF, our help is not free. There is a fee for services that you will need to pay: more photos!

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