And...we have BSFlies!!!


Chameleon Enthusiast
I was a bit schocked when I went in to feed DZ and found flies!!! I didn't do anything special and was really starting to think I would never order BSFL again since they are just so small to feed but I had 5 flies and decided to just let them loose. He went nuts! I'll try and post the videos that I took.
Yes, mine love these flies- they are slow flying and easy pickings, as you say they go nuts for them, they are so popular I now buy calciworms just to pupate and feed as flies rather than larvae.:)
OOOMMMGGG Freaked ME out too!!! AHHH another thing for me to worry about!! :eek::eek::eek:
He's loving those flies though- great videos.
Mine did too. I went away and many flies died, but I waiting for more to pupate, so he can hunt them.
I was going to ask if anyone knew any tips too but at the moment I just by a plastic box of them and let them sit at room temp- they do it themselves, the soil dries out a bit but they pretty much all pupate so it's kind of leave them to it.
Whether the soil should be moist or not i don't know, I seem to get plenty of them so .. waxworms- a bit naughty i know- into moths are another fun one- they love them!
I was going to ask if anyone knew any tips too but at the moment I just by a plastic box of them and let them sit at room temp- they do it themselves, the soil dries out a bit but they pretty much all pupate so it's kind of leave them to it.
Whether the soil should be moist or not i don't know, I seem to get plenty of them so .. waxworms- a bit naughty i know- into moths are another fun one- they love them!
That's all I did. Threw them a banana slice it two, but that was it.
Ooh, Banana?? sorry for being silly but is that for them to eat? I didnt know what they eat as larvae . or is it a humidity thing? :unsure:
I' m sorry - I asked that as a sensible question.
Yes, they can eat soft stuff. If you look up BSFL in the search bar there is a thread that talks about it.

I fed the 5 I had this morning and now there are 5 more in the container. I think I might like them now.
Me too. I've been letting them sit and do their thing. But I read that the substrate needs to be moistened. I think that the substrate is coffee grounds, but I won't dare taste it, lol. Also, I read that if you feed them, they pupate faster.
For some strange reason i think I must of read somewhere they were carnivorous and never researched about them after that. Learning that they actually will eat fruit etc is so great, I always thought they were maybe like maggots but it means I can extend their lives a little here, until the inevitable!
Thanks very much, it's been very useful. We call them calciworms here so maybe I googled wrong.
Hope DZ is o.k after his unique method of catching flies. Is there a mellers in your future? :)
For some strange reason i think I must of read somewhere they were carnivorous and never researched about them after that. Learning that they actually will eat fruit etc is so great, I always thought they were maybe like maggots but it means I can extend their lives a little here, until the inevitable!
Thanks very much, it's been very useful. We call them calciworms here so maybe I googled wrong.
Hope DZ is o.k after his unique method of catching flies. Is there a mellers in your future? :)

He's good, no tongue problems followed.

I would LOVE a Mellers. But infortunatly I will have to wait. We are looking at another move next summer and I already have a panthers, a bearded dragon, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 kids and a husband to move. Lol. I want to wait until we get settled first. Hopefully this will be our last move of the career if they can get us back to Tucson, AZ, that's where we want to retire and put down roots) which is what they are trying to do. But, we were supposed to go to Florida this last move but it changed last minute to Texas so there are no guarantees. IF we get sent to Tucson I WILL be getting a Mellers, that I have no doubt.
Here's hoping you get settled and get a mellers- i see you have been looking at Joel's babies- me too- they are just adorable- I'm in the U.K and would buy the chameleon a ticket over here if I could. Want one of Joel's but there's one for sale VERY near to me here- I keep saying I have enough to care for- but one more teeny weeny mellers surely wouldn't make that much difference ?? :LOL:
Best of luck for the future- I'll look out for the mellers pics!
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